Event Entry Terms
Events are run under Audax UK’s Regulations. It is your responsibility to familiarise yourself with those Regulations and with the further guidance and advice published on our website.
An Audax event is not a race or trial of speed. The route is on open public roads. You are required to follow the rules of the road and to show consideration to other road users.
The organiser provides no rescue service. You will need to be self-sufficient during the event. The route is not waymarked or marshalled. You should prepare by studying the route.
Entrants are strongly advised to ensure they have appropriate insurance cover in place for their cycling activities. Audax UK’s insurance policy only provides limited third party insurance to members and temporary members for the duration of the event and is subject to an excess of £500.
By entering an event, I declare and agree that:
- I agree to abide by Audax UK’s Regulations;
- I understand I am on a private excursion on the public highway and that I am responsible for my own safety and conduct;
- I am physically and mentally fit enough to take part in the event and I am competent to do so;
- I acknowledge the entry fee and my event entry is not refundable or transferable if I withdraw from the event;
- I acknowledge that any unused permanent event brevets, including DIY brevets, will expire at the end (October 31st) of the succeeding season after the season in which the brevet was purchased.
- I acknowledge that an individual organiser has the right to refuse entries from any individual for any reason they consider appropriate. Any such refusal will be reported to Audax UK within 1 week of refusal.
- I am over 18 or, if under 18, I will provide consent from my parent or guardian;
- I consent to the collection and retention of my personal information by Audax UK in accordance with its Privacy Policy and to the publication of my name on the finishers’ list;
- I consent to details of any injuries I may suffer at the event being passed to the medical services and the General Secretary of Audax UK;
- The machine on which I shall participate shall be suitable and proper for the event and comply with the Road Traffic Acts;
- I accept that neither organiser nor Audax UK shall be liable to me for any injury, loss or damage of any nature to me or my property arising out of my participation in this event (other than in respect of death or personal injury to the extent it occurs as a result of their negligence); and
- I will not take part in the event and will follow any public health guidance and/or restrictions if I have symptoms relating to any notifiable disease.
Declaration specific to under-18 entries made by a parent or guardian:
If I make an entry on behalf of an under 18 year old who is part of my household I also declare that
- I am the child's parent or legal guardian;
- I give my consent for my child to enter the event;
- I will ensure that my child is aware of these Event Entry Terms and that the declaration above applies to my child;
- I am responsible for determining whether my child has the skills, equipment and fitness to participate in this event;
- I will ensure that my child will be accompanied on the event by a parent or an appropriate adult acting in loco parentis as required for the event (see note below);
- It is my responsibility to familiarise my child with Audax UK Regulations and with the further guidance and advice published on our website;
- I consent to the collection and retention of my child's personal information by Audax UK in accordance with its Privacy Policy and to the publication of their name on the finishers’ list.
Note: The minimum age for unaccompanied children on any event is 14; there is no younger age limit for accompanied riders. Children aged 14 to 17 may participate unaccompanied on events with an award distance of up to and including 200 km at the discretion of the organiser. Children aged 14 to 17 must be accompanied for events with an award distance of greater than 200 km. Accompanying adults must be a parent or an appropriate adult acting in loco parentis.
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