DIY Entry Changes - Now Live

We've now enabled some changes to the way you enter DIY events.

  • Purchasing DIY brevets from the store remains as at present - but now you will need to have a paid brevet before making an entry.
  • There will be an extra entry on your dashboard reporting on how many unused (paid but not entered) DIY brevets you have.
  • There will be a link on the dashboard taking you to a new DIY entry screen, where you provide details of your route and can upload a reference route file. If you have added household members to your account, the main member can use one of their brevets to enter for a household member, and if that member is under 18, entry by the main member will be considered to have provided consent - removing the need to complete a signed form. If you have purchased brevets from more than one organiser, you can choose which organiser to select for a particular entry.
  • Once you have entered a DIY, it will be listed on the "upcoming events" list on your dashboard, and you will be able to change the date, and upload your completed gpx track from there (expand the entry to see the upload link). You can also check the details you entered from your upcoming events list.
  • If you need to cancel an entry or change the details other than the date, please e-mail the organiser, who will be able to reset your brevet to "unused" status and then you can re-enter