Board Policy
Decision making
• I agree to taking and upholding collective decisions as a board
• I will support the principle of clear and transparent decision making except where confidentiality must be maintained
• I will read papers and preparing for board meetings
• I will attend at least 75% of meetings during the year, and I will send apologies in advance when possible
• I will support the Chair in their role as meeting facilitator
• I will participate in debates, but will accept a majority decision
• I will express dissent where necessary, but avoid conflict if possible
Conflicts of interest
• I will not accept any financial benefit as a board member, other than that authorised by the constitution and properly agreed by the board
• I will not exert any influence as a director to attempt to gain preferential treatment
• I will declare conflicts of interest as soon as they come to my attention, and withdraw from the decision making process on that issue
• I will maintain confidentiality and will not disclose any confidential information concerning any aspect of the board, and I will seek clarification from the board if I am unsure
Working relationships
• I will maintain respectful relationships with my fellow directors and with members and delegates, organisers and other volunteers.
• I will maintain effective communication and interaction to perform my duties
• If I carry out another role as a volunteer I agree to keep the two roles separate
• I will only speak on behalf of the board when I have been authorised to do so
Good governance
• When recruiting new board members I will support a fair and open process in line with our constitution
• I commit to reviewing the board regularly
• I will support the board to comply with relevant legal and regulatory expectations and with our agreed policies and procedures
• I will seek support when needed and offer support to other directors when requested
• I will participate in learning and development activities
• I will make sure that adequate arrangements are made by the board to supervise and support delegates, organisers and other volunteers
Leaving the board
• I agree to resign from the board if requested to do so by the rest of the board following a serious breach of this code of conduct
• If there is no clear term of office, then I will give notice in writing to the chair of my intention to leave
The board’s obligations to me in turn
• I will be sent regular financial reports and an update of activities
• I will be given adequate notice of meeting, and receive agenda and papers in advance
• The chair will ensure that the committee have opportunities to discuss goals, activities and plans
• Other directors will deal with me in a straightforward and respectful way
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