Membership FAQs

You’ll find our names and contact details on the website. The Membership Secretary sits on the AUK Board, coordinates the Membership Team, maintains the member database (with help from the systems manager) and deals with general enquiries. The New Member Delegates enrol new and lapsed members (over 1000 per year).

No. All AUK officials and delegates, including the Membership team, are volunteers. We have to fit our AUK work in with all our other commitments (and get out cycling sometimes too!).

If you have changed address/telephone/email/club/emergency contact - please update your own record online here.
For other queries, such as:

  • Arrivée magazine not arrived
  • Queries about joining
  • Queries about renewal


Yes, and it is our preferred way for members to pay. It saves you the hassle of having to re-join each year, and more of your money goes to Audax UK, as the charges are lower. Once you have completed a direct debit mandate we can use it for any further payments eg addition of a household member.

We're not taking new Standing Orders - we now take direct debit instead. Please note that if you have a standing order we would really like you to switch to direct debit if possible. Many of our standing order payments are for the wrong amount or come in too late to renew your membership before the end of the year.

On the website, login and then select "Membership Details" from "My Account". If you can't remember your password then you can reset it here.

Yes - at any time of year. It normally costs £7 per calendar year, but is reduced if joining later in the year. A household member is someone at the same address - they get full AUK membership, but only one copy of Arrivée is sent to the household. You can do this online from "My Account" - choose "Household Members". Note that if your membership has more than one year to run you can choose any number of years up to your own expiry date for your household member(s) - it does not need to be the same as you.

Your expiry date is shown on the dashboard when you login. You can check the expiry date for your household member(s) via "My Account", "Household Members" - note their expiry date can be before yours.

You can choose any length of membership for your household member(s) up to the length of time left on your own membership. For example if you have three years left you can choose 1, 2 or 3 years for a household member.

Yes you can - but not on line. Contact the membership team and we can work out the best arrangement for you. If you both have a one year membership it is straightforward, but if not there may be something to pay if you want to bring the memberships into line.

No it doesn't. Your number and all your results are preserved. As far as AUK is concerned you are all individual members with your own event records/entries and AGM voting rights. The only thing you lose is your own copy of Arrivée.

Yes! We don't offer a specific junior membership but children can join as household members added to their parent or guardian's membership for only £7 per year.  We offer a special badge free of charge (the Brevet 250) to all eligible under 18s to encourage our youngest riders.

Under 18s can also join as individual members but we do need their parent or guardian's permission.

The usual answer is yes, although there are some cases where it is not possible.

First of all try to logon with the latest email you had registered with us. If that works you will then be able to take out a new subscription. If you need to get your password reset then use this link

If you can't remember which email address you had registered or you no longer have access to it, or have no email address then please contact the membership secretary who will try to reunite you with your old record via some security information such as your postal address.

If you definitely were a member please don't re-register as a new member as then reuniting you with your old record is more difficult!

Note that if you had one or more household member(s) linked to your membership you will have the option to take out a new membership for them too, or you can delete them from your household.

You must be aged 65 or more by 1st January, and have been a fully-paid up member of Audax for the previous 10 years continuously.  That means it's important that you have renewed your membership in good time in the years leading up to Life Membership, otherwise we'll consider you to have re-joined and set the counter back to zero.

Life Membership is free, but you will only receive all 4 editions of Arrivée if you pay the reduced subscription (currently £12)

Yes - as someone eligible for life membership you will be offered options for free or paid membership depending on whether you want all Arrivée copies. If you don't positively confirm that you want either membership, we will assume you are no longer interested in Audax UK and remove your name from our active membership records and from the mailing list for December Arrivée. We need to do this to ensure we aren't sending magazines to people who no longer want to receive them and for whom we may no longer hold accurate details. You can opt back in to free or paid life membership at any time in the future if you change your mind. 

If you don't want to deal with your life membership online, then please feel free to contact the membership secretary by post. At renewal time we will also publish a number that can be used to send us a text message.

Yes, we are very happy to process a gift membership and can include a special message when we send out the welcome pack. Please contact and we can advise the best way to arrange this depending on whether you want it to be a total surprise or not!

If you are renewing on line then it will be open from 1st October each year. You will receive a renewal notice in November and there will be a reminder in the December Arrivée which will contain information for those paying by cheque. But definitely by December 31st! If you renew late we may charge you an additional fee, this reflects the extra work for the Membership team if we have to post your Arrivée individually.

On the envelope of the December Arrivée you will find a personalised message telling you whether you need to renew or not, and whether you currently have an active direct debit or standing order. Inside the magazine you can find full details of the current fees. Don't forget that if you paid for more than one year there may be nothing due.

You will be able to renew your membership online. We take direct debit, credit/debit card payments via Stripe or you can use your PayPal account.

If you already have a direct debit then we will automatically process your membership renewal in early December, but you can manually trigger the payment earlier than that if you wish - for example if you want to add or remove household members.

If you pay by cheque it would help us if you write your membership number on the back of your cheque. Please make cheques payable to Audax United Kingdom.

Confirmation of renewal is receipt of the March Arrivée issue, or if you can access your account online you can check your your new expiry date.

Normally second week of the month but the exact date varies.
March - Spring Arrivée
June - Summer Arrivée
September - Autumn Arrivée
December - Winter Arrivée, including renewal reminder.

Our Printers distribute publications to our 8000+ members - we do not stuff envelopes ourselves, unless you are a new or lapsed member (ie late renewing). If you miss the print deadline, our Membership Team has to post publications individually to you directly from our spares - while stocks last of course.
We send the mailing list to the Printers a couple of weeks before the mailing date, so if you move house don’t forget to amend your details online in good time and/or redirect your mail.

Membership cards are not sent out. But you can download your own card here.

You can contact the membership secretary to request the creation of your club in our database. If you can include a link to a website or facebook group so we can just check validity (and spelling!) that would be useful.

When your club is created then you can encourage all your clubmates to join Audax UK too!

Audax UK has an annual clubs championship. If you add your club(s) to your membership record then distance points from your completed events will be added automatically to your club total.

Sorry no, we offer a discount for a 5 year membership but you take the risk of not wanting the full term. Also it would cost us in admin time to make refunds.

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